Listen to "Stepping Off", Read by Doug Bradley.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Monday Morning Miracle

So, how was your weekend?

I had a very male weekend myself, thanks for asking! I got a new phone on Friday - finally allowing myself back into the world of the PDA. I got in on the scene in the early days and loved them. We fell out of love when work started following me 7 days a week by virtue of the fully functional spreadsheet applications and .doc reading capabilities. I went cold turkey when we moved from Copenhagen to Houston and I have avoided them successfully until now. But in the T-Mobile store this weekend, me and a little 'Dash' locked eyes over the counter and I was smitten again.

Not content with spending most of Friday 'playing', I successfully talked my wife into spending Saturday trst driving potential new cars and then going to the Greek festival to eat my own weight in mystery meat and feta cheese!

Aside from that, couple of emails caught my eye this weekend - an old theme but one that still raises a smile - stupid street signs:

Later this week I hope to start work on the final chapter of 'Mirror Man', so I may not be too prolific in the blogs. Forgive my absence - I just need some time for myself, you know? It's not you, it's me...


An Extraordinary woman in a mediocre life said...

woo.. sounds like the family fold problem might be solved.

good on ya.. and good writing


Anonymous said...

Write, write, write! (That was encouragement, not a demand.)

The stuff at universal blend (thanks for visiting, btw) is just fragments, noodles. I don't post the official versions.

New phone? But what kind? I'm still learning how the Samsung Blackjack I bought in May actually functions.

Anonymous said...

I just realized I responded to a completely different comment...but when you have time, visit UniversalBlend DOT net and all will be made clear.

Alchera was a great project. I like the more "writey" memes rather than the "fill in the blank" memes, and I miss the spark it induced.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I just wanted to invite you to come check out

It's live.