Listen to "Stepping Off", Read by Doug Bradley.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Monday Morning Miracle

I'm struggling with the concept of the Monday Morning Miracle today. I have meetings scheduled for the next 72 hours of my life.

In addition to that, what should have been one of those exciting weeks where you are only 5 days away from a vacation is now starting to look distinctly wobbly as my vacation destination is a certain area of Mexico currently being evacuated in anticipation of a windbag named Dean.

Anyway, I still managed to find something that brought a faint smile to my face this morning.

I don't know what further posts my schedule will allow this week, but with my head full of writing ideas, my calendar full of pointless guff and the news full of wet and windy pictures of my hotel, I'm sure there'll be some venting to come!

Have a great week!


Anne said...

Hello, Michele sent me. I have no meetings today, but I am trying to catch up this morning, I was out of the office last week and came back to 638 unread emails.

Carl V. Anderson said...

Oh, I hope it all works out. I'm sorry.

And that is a wonderfully funny ad.

BreadBox said...

Hi Mike: Michele sent me --- hope that the hotel doesn't get blown away: if it does, try a trip to Merida -- inland by a hundred miles
or so, so the winds will be likely less there, and it is a wonderful example of a spanish colonial town.
Course, the beaches are missing,....


Bobkat said...

That advert made me smile too.

I do hope your vacation goes ahead.

Thanks for visiting my blog via Michele's. Always nice to meet new folk :)